Disciplined Inquiry

> Does your decision-making suffer from lack of rigorous inquiry?

Most of us are trained to effectively advocate and defend our positions. However, failure to balance advocacy and inquiry can produce disastrous results. Leadership is as much or more about the questions you ask as any answers you may have. If you are always advocating what you value, others will not value you as much.

Over 20 years ago Steve Boehlke observed the Quaker “Clearness Committee” in action – a compelling process used by the Quaker community to amplify discernment when individuals are faced with a difficult decision or are struggling to find a path forward. Similarly, in his consulting work he has repeatedly observed scientists and technical professionals framing and testing their hypotheses, using the Scientific Method to frame their inquiry with the hope of making new discoveries. Combining the practices of these two methodologies, Steve has facilitated what he calls Disciplined Inquiryâ„¢ for many years in his consulting practice with proven results.

Disciplined Inquiry is a powerful methodology and set of tools for reframing business challenges anchored in these two disparate traditions. The approach leverages the collective wisdom of project teams, executive committees or work groups to deliver focus, clarity and breakthroughs.

>> The Disciplined Inquiry Workshop is a half-day workshop designed to launch a process for resolving complex dilemmas within an organization. It requires several hours of follow-up discussion and dialogue. In this workshop, you will:

  • Differentiate between traditional problem solving and resolving dilemmas;
  • Practice writing a concise, well-crafted dilemma statement;
  • Manage a stream of questions directed specifically to you and your dilemma;
  • Evaluate the essential balance between advocacy and inquiry.
  • Re-frame your original dilemma statement with new insight and awareness.

By leveraging the collective wisdom of the group gathered, you are able to shift your perspective on a difficult challenge while learning to ask more powerful questions. As a leader you can make better decisions that are more fully supported by the group.

As a result of learning and practicing Disciplined Inquiry you will:

  • Harness efficiently the power of internal resources to deliver focused, creative, solutions;
  • Reward and invite more effective collaboration by contributing to one another’s success
  • Listen more actively and think more creatively
  • Disciplined Inquiry helps individuals and teams get “unstuck,” uncovering new resources within and among themselves.

    Inquire about a half-day workshop on Disciplined Inquiry.