Dare to Become the Leader You Are
Defining Lessons on Leading
Anyone can make a difference. As such anyone can lead.
But not everyone chooses to. In his recent book 50 Lessons
on Leading for Those with Little Time for Reading Steve
Boehlke masterfully brings together simple, yet poignant leadership lessons – lessons that cause readers to pause and consider their own leadership.
>> In this half-day workshop you go inside the pages of this book and beyond to:
- Assess 4 distinct styles of leadership.
- Explore your own approach to leadership;
- Hear and share leadership stories;
- Confirm ways to continue learning as a leader.
Steve promises to expand and challenge your approach to leadership regardless of age,
experience or background. Business teams, non-profit groups, athletic teams, religious communities – any group of individuals who dare think more rigorously about who they are and who they could be as leaders will benefit from working with Steve.
Take a risk. Pause and reflect. Dare to become the leader you are!

5 More Lessons on Leading (for the Reluctant Leader)
Additional half-day workshop
Not everyone thinks they can lead, even if they believe they should. And sometimes circumstances thrust a person into the role of leader with little or no warning. For all that is written about what is required to lead – values, competencies, experience — open dialogue about our doubts and fears of being a leader is often lacking.
Expanding on his successful 50 Lessons on Leading… Steve Boehlke identifies 5 more lessons especially relevant for the “reluctant leader”. Building on the premise that leadership is more about who you are than what you do, you will explore limiting beliefs that inhibit your practice of leadership. For example, fear of failure is often a huge barrier to being more effective as a leader. Leadership is understanding the difference between excellence and perfection. This is but one of the additional lessons which promises new insight into your motivation to lead or be led.
Anyone who wants to overcome personal inhibitors to exercising leadership will learn with Steve how to lead with more courage and commitment, whatever the venue may be.