Disciplined Inquiry™

Building inquiry skills for enhanced problem solving

A facilitated process developed by SFB Associates.  It is a proven tool for re-framing and resolving business dilemmas.  When a project team or management committee gets “stuck” valuable time and resources are wasted.  When a way forward is not evident, the path of least resistance is to throw more data at the problem.  However, more information is not necessarily what is needed.  Sometimes re-framing the problem or seeing alternatives solutions from completely unanticipated sources is essential.

How it works

  1. An individual crafts the dilemma
  2. One person is chosen to “hold” the dilemma for the group.
  3. Inquiry
    • Group members may only ask questions of the dilemma holder
    • This encourages inquiry versus solution creation
    • The group learns to ask more powerful questions and to adopt more responsive behaviors
  4. Reflection
    • The dilemma holder as well as group members review questions asked to gain new insights.
  5. Dialogue
    • The dilemma holder re-engages with the group for dialogue about new insights and possible resolution

What are the results?

  • Harnesses the power of intellectual resources to deliver focus, clarity and solutions.
  • Rewards and invites ongoing collaboration by allowing people to become vested in each other’s success.
  • Builds effective communication by focusing on interacting productively, listening actively and thinking innovatively.

When to use?

  • To make decisions regarding a balanced research portfolio and resources  –  incremental vs breakthrough.
  • To determine which key projects to move forward.
  • To determine optimal structure and staffing during a challenging downsizing or re-organization effort.
  • To promote curiosity regarding technical issues that have enormous significance for the organization.


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