Monograph Collection

For some years now I have been writing what I refer to as “monographs”.  I pick one word and riff on that word for not more than about one page – trusting that some new insights and fresh understanding will result.  I do not know the outcome – the destination – where I will be when I finish writing. 

In writing these monographs, I discover surprising connections, sometimes weird connections. So my reflections are about connections – connections I continue to make in ways that at times seem incredulous to me. Sometimes delightful.  Sometimes disturbing. I hope I am a man of greater integrity for the connections I make, most of all with myself.

It’s the weird parts of people that make unusual contributions to life.  Later in life, deeper in life, the ‘weirdness’ in one person can help another move closer to his or her purpose and can remind each of a shared meaning in life.


Perhaps by identifying and describing more rigorously the terrain that I have navigated in my life, others will be encouraged to blaze their own trails.  

In addition to Steve’s Monograph Collection, you can explore an extensive library of Blog Entries on Leadership.
